After School Adventure Camp (VFAC)Ages: 11-14 (6th-8th grade) | School Months
Venture Free Adventure Camp offers regular outdoor exposure to kids throughout the school year. Adventure camp not only familiarizes campers to a wide variety of local outdoor locations, but also introduces basic outdoor wilderness and survival skills that help children develop sound judgement skills and self confidence.
Children Recreation Center (VFCRC)Ages: 5-11 (k-5th grade) | school months
VFCRC is a free flowing space where child-lead activities and unstructured play is the goal. With the Venture Free mission at the heart of the center's operations, children are encouraged to utilize the outdoors and our "marker's-space" materials to be creative, apply their imagination and explore their interests in depth.
Terra Teens (VFTT)
AGES: 14-18 (9th-12th grade) | Year round
The Venture Free Foundation Terra Teens program aims to equip high school students with the necessary tools, knowledge, and experience to not only qualify as a VFF Counselor, but to be a leader and steward in life, outdoor adventure and the environmental movement.